A Holistic View on Restaurant Tech | with Skip Kimpel
In this episode, we interview Skip Kimpel, GAIN’s Global Director of Restaurant Technology and Innovation.
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The GAIN Momentum Podcast: focusing on timeless lessons to scale a business in hospitality, travel, and technology-centered around four key questions posed to all guests and hosted by Adam Mogelonsky.
For more information about GAIN, head to: https://gainadvisors.com/
Skip on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/skipkimpel
Skip on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/skipkimpel
Adam Mogelonsky is a GAIN Advisor and partner at Hotel Mogel Consulting Ltd. (https://www.hotelmogel.com/), focusing on strategy advisory for hotel owners, hotel technology analysis, process innovation, marketing support and finding ways for hotels to profit from the wellness economy.
Listen to the GAIN Momentum Podcast: